Category Archives: General

Things I can't do now that I'm a father.

  1. Sleep for any great length of time
  2. Stop twisting every little noise into something that sounds like a baby
  3. Stop cleaning things or washing my hands
  4. Stop looking at babies and going, ‘aww’.
  5. Watch Trainspotting (if you’ve seen it, you’ll know why)

I’m not really surprised by any of this, I’m a little shocked it took so long for the emotional side of fatherhood to set in, cause it’s fully here. I had the instinctual hunter/gatherer feelings right away and have been hovering over my son since he’s been out of the womb, but it’s all been logic based. Baby needs a bottle because he’s crying, I’ll get him a bottle. Baby is a little fussy because of gas, I’ll rock him until he settles–that sort of thing. Now, I’m getting the weepies when I see a picture of a crying baby or hear one on TV.

I am grateful that I now have a severe emotional attachment to my son’s needs since I was kinda feeling like Rosie the robot, but holy crap it’s scary.


I’m not much for dwelling on the past, especially when it comes with cheap, ugly luggage. There’s an event happening tomorrow night that is being built up by some as the event of the century. Frankly, I see it as just a beer with some old high school buddies and don’t really think that there will be a lot to write about afterward. Stay tuned either way, there will be a blow-by-blow exclusive, commercial-free recap here after it happens.

Return of the mustard king

Take this into consideration while picking out your next ear of corn:

The tiny society that lives in your ears, is not related to that of the society that lives in an ear of corn, they are significantly different. They that live in your ears have a grand lifestyle, and they are able to afford themselves comfortable footwear. The corn dwellers can only have what they find on the streets, which are often flooded. You may wonder what they may do to better themselves but you shouldn’t, their footwear problems are their own. They didn’t exactly get the short end of the stick either. The ear dwellers have to make a living selling lime colored felt products to blind snow soldiers from the Antarctic. They are not very adept sales people either, some would say quite incompetent. It’s kind of like the nomadic brown mice who make a living by selling patternless wrapping paper to the residents of small Irish villages, but not really. The two societies are actually distant relatives, the mice aren’t related to anybody.

Haiku fun

Hapless soul you are
Making your way to the store
Your green hat is funny

Bankruptcy and meat
Are really not the same thing
Don’t sell me your lies

O quivering mass
You look like food, maybe, uh…
What the hell is SPAM?

Pen in my hand
Makes funny lines on your face
Is your name really Dirk?

Walnuts ticklish?
Got to try another beer
Not made by the French

I’m going be rich
Just you wait and see, my friend
Buy and sell your mom!

I want my lunch back
You have enough cheese ball torte
Go get your own, eh?

Baa…Baa…more fish please
Moo…Moo…I like wasabi
Sushi restaurant

Big Ford Explorer
In front of yuppie condo
Death to car alarm

Stinky little cat
With furry rotund buttocks
No more treats for you

Sad dinner

My wife gets upset sometimes because she doesn’t think that she’s my muse. In a way, there’s some truth to it, but only because I don’t consider myself a true artist, at least in the fine art sense. I’m a bit flighty when it comes to being an artist and haven’t really come across one thing that had driven me to be passionately creative the way that it’s normally portrayed in movies or whatever. It’s just not in me and I’m creatively lazy, I’m also a conflicted person, and have had a left/right brain conflict my whole life. My undergraduate degree is an art degree and my master’s is a computer science degree. I flipped majors from art to finance to computer science to art again and eventually came up with a mix of the two brain halves some 30-ish years later.

I absolutely adore my wife and she’s been the inspiration to make myself a better person for the last nine years, in quite a few areas. It makes me sad when she says that she’s not an inspiration to me because that’s quite far from the truth. More specifically, I really love to cook. I’m a self-taught chef and have a good background in restaurant work that afforded me a bit of time to learn from some great chefs. I got some good tips was exposed to some wonderful different types of cuisine and for the past ten years while living in the city, ate at some fantastic restaurants. My wife was my primary dining companion for almost all of that dining out and one of our first dates was dinner at my apartment, which I made. She loved the dinner and a new relationship was born and it had a sound foundation on food. I’ve been cooking for her ever since and have cooked some meals that made her squeal with joy after the first bite and it’s one of the best feelings I’ve ever experienced.

There have been occasions where dinner didn’t turn out, well, all that great-tonight was one of those meals. I’ve occasionally used boxed rices as a side to what I was preparing (e.g. Uncle Ben’s mushroom whatever or something like that) but never as part of the dish. I tried making a kind of dirty rice with shrimp inspired by a cooking show I just watched. The shrimp got good reviews, the dirty rice didn’t. Thankfully I can blame Zatarain’s for the dirty rice failure and not myself. I’ve had luck with Zatarain’s products before but this rice just came out rubbery. The resulting dish was overall, disappointing. This led my wife to become-yep, sad. It’s something that she says she’s done all her life and in the few times that I’ve made meals for her like tonight, the reaction has been the same. It never fails to make me miserable, like I really let her down. She’s the reason I continue to cook with the passion that I’ve got, cause really I could live on cereal and peanut butter and jelly.

I hadn’t thought of the idea of a cooking muse until Ginger brought up the idea that she didn’t think I inspired her to be creative awhile back. I suppose I did have the same idea that is thought about when thinking about a typical muse, the flippant Edie Sedgwick kind. Really, there’s always someone in your life that drives you to be better at something and I guess that’s your muse for that particular thing. I’m still not sure if they pick you or you find them, or any combination of all that but when you’ve found yours treat her good, she’ll make your life better.

Gee Whiz, I got laid off.

My career has been pretty flat, drama-wise. I got laid off from my first job out of school on my one year anniversary at the company. After that I spent a good chunk of time floating around at ad agencies doing whatever I could get my hands on, enjoying every minute of it, and there was plenty of work to go around. I didn’t have a pot to piss in but it was ok, I didn’t have any responsibilities either. Ten years later, I find myself jobless and faced with the same situation but life is significantly different. I just had a baby and bought a house a little over a year ago. I’m more prepared for unemployment than I ever have been in my career, but I can’t help but still feel pissed off about the situation.
I was at the company way too long considering I hadn’t been all that happy with things for some time and steady jobs make you complacent. Either way, there’s no shaking the feeling of betrayal concerning the way things played out. I feel that the decision was made on a personal level because of certain variables and people involved.
The more I think about it, it’s a good thing that it happened cause I’m more marketable than ever and I would have probably stayed where I was until they turned the lights off on us. I finished up a master’s degree in web development last year and had the intention of looking for something new this year because I was just plain unhappy, there hasn’t been a better time for me to look for a new job-market conditions aside of course. Anyone wanna hire a really loyal, intelligent designer and developer? I’m cute and I have good taste in music, too.

Coffee, black.

I am a huge fan of the television series Twin Peaks. I watched it in high school when it was on and have owned it on all media which it has been released, including multiple dvd boxed sets. The series sucks me in when I watch it, I can (and have) watch the whole series over a weekend and always notice something in it that I didn’t notice before. One thing that happens when I watch the show is that I get a ridiculous craving for coffee and donuts, or coffee and cherry pie. I was fond of both things before I watched the show and maybe that’s one of the reasons that I’ve got such a fondness for the show is that I identify with it and it also makes ordinary things incredibly sexy.

Black coffee has a certain mystique to it already, but for me Twin Peaks puts a nice twist to it. The diner scenes in the show are always shot in a way that diverts from its overall dark theme and provide a place antipodal to the dark woods, which are not comforting at all, they are rather scary.

I also love how the show seems to stimulate my senses. Visually it’s beautiful, most of the music is teriffic, some of the scenes scare the hell out of me, and I can taste whatever is being eaten when someone on screen is eating something. However, the biggest problem I have when I watch the show is it makes me crave coffee and donuts, which if I’m having a marathon, gives me a huge caffeine and sugar headache when I’m done. I guess it’s an unfortunate side effect, but I’ll deal.

Life moves by pretty fast …

I can’t say that I’ve ever been truly depressed. I’ve had a pretty charmed life and never really had to ever worry too much. Unfortunately, my parents are the kind of people to make a mountain out of a molehill and in my youth I had a tendency to do the same thing. Now, I’m more grounded and thankfully can recognize real problems when they spring up, I have my wife to thank for that. Some people need a good partner to show them the way, she did that for me and I’m forever grateful.
Having children, buying a home, moving into a managerial position within a corporation … these things all come with a price tag, growing the fuck up. I’m happy that I’ve never felt as old as I am. Not that 34 is old, but it’s adulthood in all its glory without question.
Mentally I’ve prepared myself for the responsibilities I’ve assumed in the past couple of years, but it always surprises me when I feel like I don’t feel like I’ve done enough or get blue when I think that I’m not doing something right in life.
I wish for a lot. I had a promising career as a visual designer that didn’t play out like I’d hoped but I still have a definite love for the craft and am confident that I can hold my own. My most recent life discovery is that while you make plans for your own life-life, in turn, makes plans for you. It’s hard to realize that when you’ve got undying hopes and a love for something. It gets easier when you realize that you’ve got more time than you think to change life’s little unfortunate plans if they don’t jive with your own.

Another new beginning

I’m not sure it’s proper to begin with a post introducing a blog that’s technically five years old, but since there’s probably only three people who ever read it, I suppose it’s not that big of a deal. I also don’t feel like moving any of the old posts over.
This blog was started years ago with a philosophy of me not having time for awful coffee, hence the title. It is used as a reminder that the little joys in life are something that keep me focused and one thing I truly enjoy is a good cup of coffee.
There are a few things that have changed since I started putting words to pixel: I no longer live near any good coffeehouses, so access to good coffee is limited and done via mail order. I no longer have a 9 to 5 as a professional graphic designer. I have completed a Master’s degree. I am a father. These things have either mellowed me, left me unsettled or made me grow, but I still can’t take bad coffee.