Haiku fun

Hapless soul you are
Making your way to the store
Your green hat is funny

Bankruptcy and meat
Are really not the same thing
Don’t sell me your lies

O quivering mass
You look like food, maybe, uh…
What the hell is SPAM?

Pen in my hand
Makes funny lines on your face
Is your name really Dirk?

Walnuts ticklish?
Got to try another beer
Not made by the French

I’m going be rich
Just you wait and see, my friend
Buy and sell your mom!

I want my lunch back
You have enough cheese ball torte
Go get your own, eh?

Baa…Baa…more fish please
Moo…Moo…I like wasabi
Sushi restaurant

Big Ford Explorer
In front of yuppie condo
Death to car alarm

Stinky little cat
With furry rotund buttocks
No more treats for you