The brain is busy

I’ve got a bit going on right now. Just moved all of my sites (and set up some new ones) to a new server that I configured from the ground up. I’m pretty satisfied with the system, although I’m running a little lean on RAM. Will probably need a bigger slice in the near future, especially once I get back in to Rails development. We’ll see how much it makes sense after some things are built and I do some optimization tricks.

Keeping myself busy around the house lately too. Finally put up the top-of-stairs gate so the baby gorilla doesn’t suddenly go barreling down them and flatten himself. Have other projects to get to but that’s just simply part of owning a house I suppose.

No new music has passed by me in awhile, could use some new discoveries. has helped, iTunes genius mixes have reminded me how much I need to organize (and throw away) some of the crap in my library, and the giant pile in the closet has led me to rediscovery but nothing new. Movies haven’t been too mind-blowing lately either, extremely disappointed in Zombieland. Not funny and it should have been. Did discover Ink on Netflix though, highly recommended. Tracked down the rest of the director’s films but haven’t watched them yet, curious to see how they hold up.

Back to work, giving someone a needed facelift.