Tag Archives: Clover

New coffee, old coffee

Finished up the last of my 49th parallel Guatemala Los Espiritus and was sad to see that last bean fall into the grinder burr. This was one of the most delightful coffee finds in some time. I’m definitely keeping 49th parallel roasters in rotation, they roast a damn fine bean. I do wish that they’d sell in 1lb bags though, but I’m sure that it’s a decision to save shipping costs.

Ordered from Ritual Roasters:
Hacienda Carmona, Guatemala
Sweet Tooth Finca Yara, Colombia

Went back there to order this year’s cup of excellence winner, as I do remember seeing some available there last time I visited the site, but it’s not there anymore. Either way, I’m excited to try their beans, as this will be my first time with them. Also, if I do come across a spare $12,000 some time in the near future, I’m buying one of these: