New WordPress Book

Just picked up a copy of Smashing WordPress by Thord Daniel Hedengren. I’m looking to see what more I can do with WordPress and this book looks like a good start. I chose WordPress for this site because my former host had an easy install option in the dashboard setting and it turned out that I liked the backend of it pretty well. It’s easy to use from an organizational standpoint and there are lots of plugins available.

Lots of people have strong opinions on what platform is best for a blog, and since I’m no expert on the subject—I’ve some experience with WP and limited experience with Drupal—I’ll not stretch to comment on the topic. I hear that there are some fun things in the upcoming release of WordPress 3.0, for that I’m excited.

It seems that this new WP book has a good amount of basic information on how to get started on developing themes, plugins and how WP itself is structured. It just made it to the top of my—now very large—’to read’ pile of computer-related books beside the bed. Will report back with findings once I’ve gotten further into it.