
Lately I’ve been in a few conversations involving opinions on certain topics (namely music and wine, but it’s not necessarily important for context) and I found myself fighting off that former critical self who would jump to the defense of his own opinions like he was some highly informed expert. Well, I’m getting older and hopefully wiser. Plus, I just don’t care to argue opinions all that much anymore. It just seems like a good way to announce yourself as a conceited asshole.

A bit of perspective came from a recent lunch meeting with a new friend who’s very educated in wine. One thing that really stuck out during our conversation was his take on wine drinkers. It was basically: “See that guy over there drinking box wine? I love that guy. Why? Because he’s drinking wine.” That was it. No snarky comment on that it was box wine, which is what he said most people who talk about wine would expect others to do. It was simply a remark on how things don’t have to be perceived good by someone else to be enjoyed, but sadly most people find their only joy in ripping apart what others like or pumping up something just to seem pompous.

And if you’re curious, the conversation about music involved someone saying Kanye West is undeniably talented. I didn’t agree.