
I’ve been trying to keep myself busy lately. It’s been a mixed bag of work, reading, Javascript Live! and fun with the fam. Since the weather’s been all screwy and everyone seems to be traveling for the month of May, I’m going to concentrate on the remainder of the month as a catch up time. Hopefully if I can get caught up on client work there’ll be room for some personal projects, you know they kind I talk about all the time in very little detail and then forget about? Yep, those. One is an artistic project, I’ve been rendering a typeface off and on for the better part of a year and now that there’s a Cintiq in the house it might be time to investigate the possibilities. The other project’s a little less clear, but it’ll be here when it’s done. Probably a web comic, but I’m not sure yet.

One last thing, I came up with a company name (yeah!). We’ll be operating under the name Defthouse as an art and design agency and I’m set to get things going and build that identity (double yeah!). Got a domain name secured, but that’s about it so far.