Category Archives: Life on the Zone diet

In the Zone (diet)

Have officially start counting blocks and macros and all that silliness today and I can tell (at 10:00am on the first day) it’s going to be HARD. I pay very little attention to calories and overall diet with the exception of knowing I don’t eat terribly and can say that with relative certainty. That mentality isn’t going to get me very far (or lighter) any time soon, so here I go.

I have done the calorie tracking thing before in addition to exercise and it paid off. I lost about 30 pounds altogether and have kept it off since. At this point I’m dealing with a bunch of things I haven’t dealt with before like wanting to lose weight without sacrificing muscle mass and being over 40. I also used cardio almost exclusively for long stretches to burn calories (1 hour or more) and I don’t have that kind of time now. I’m not even sure if that would work at this point or if it’s the right thing for me. Thankfully my coach will be helping me with tracking my diet.

I haven’t finished the zone diet book yet or figured out a formal plan for the diet so that needs to happen before I can even say I’ve officially done anything but I have a general idea to keep in mind for the next few days before a plan is in place. Looking forward to how it’ll change the way I approach a daily routine since I’m just kinda winging it from day to day. I wake up, go to CrossFit, eat breakfast, go to work and eat whatever then go home and eat whatever. Not a great plan for weight loss.