All posts by Brent Seehafer

Another new beginning

I’m not sure it’s proper to begin with a post introducing a blog that’s technically five years old, but since there’s probably only three people who ever read it, I suppose it’s not that big of a deal. I also don’t feel like moving any of the old posts over.
This blog was started years ago with a philosophy of me not having time for awful coffee, hence the title. It is used as a reminder that the little joys in life are something that keep me focused and one thing I truly enjoy is a good cup of coffee.
There are a few things that have changed since I started putting words to pixel: I no longer live near any good coffeehouses, so access to good coffee is limited and done via mail order. I no longer have a 9 to 5 as a professional graphic designer. I have completed a Master’s degree. I am a father. These things have either mellowed me, left me unsettled or made me grow, but I still can’t take bad coffee.