A little respect

I wish there was a legitimate excuse for not being able to keep up with writing, but there’s really not. Part of it is my recent attempts at working (a client who I fired after only a month, long story) as well as serious attempts at building a solid clientele. This has proved significantly harder than I’d ever imagined, but some real success stories happen this way so, why not?

I seem to have developed either an increased self-worth, or woken up to the fact that one just doesn’t get rich working for a living. Which is a bit of advice that I took away from my first, and BY FAR, worst job that I had in the past 12 years as a professional designer. So, instead of trying to market myself as a person who is worth $XX dollars per hour, I’m going at it from a different approach. That approach is selling myself and my skills as a product instead of clamoring for some hourly wage job. Of course, it’s the road less traveled as it is surely the more difficult one but will most definitely pay off better in the end.

I’ve been investing some time into discovery as well, this has given me a new found respect for pretty much anyone who can barbecue well (and those that know the difference between BBQ and grilling) cause it’s fuckin’ hard to do that if you’re not sure what you’re doing. Also, my respect for single parents has gone up ten-fold. I really have the ideal situation when it comes to raising a little one, so all of you single parents out there–my hat’s off to you. Kids are a damn hard job and doing it alone can’t be easy.