If you audit the content of my posts, chances are you’d find that about half of them are about motivation or really lack thereof. There’s no real reason for that amount, actually, since the reason for me complaining about a lack of motivation is me being captive in front of a computer with a little time on my hands (read:blogging) and wasting it on something not really all that important (read:blogging), because I find I’m generally more productive now than I’ve ever been. I kinda have to, but that’s really not the point.

I’ve not less or more motivation that I did when I first started this thing but I suppose eventually once you start reporting on your own activities to a faceless public you begin to push yourself to deliver some kind of result. Well, there have been a couple things I started but really didn’t do much with and that’s really no way to run a railroad. I know, excuses, excuses. If all those vloggers on YoutTube can blather on about bullshit for five or six minutes once a week and make a ton o moolah doing it than I’ve nobody to blame but myself. Seriously.