Death Comes to the Office – Chapter Two

As Gertrude worked her way through the numbers, she worked very hard not to notice that they didn’t add up even without her boss’s final figures. She knew that there was something askew but preferred not to think about it because she was trying to avoid the obvious, because the obvious meant that she’d have to stay even later.

As she tried hard to concentrate on not thinking about the fact that her firm’s finances were almost certainly in total ruin, her glance drifted off to the growing pool of blood behind her chair that appeared to be coming from the ceiling, but just as she glanced upward to the source of the blood, her computer screen flickered, startling her enough to jump in her seat, knocking her water glass onto the keyboard causing the whole system to shut down.

“Well, that just about does it,” she thought. As she tilted her keyboard over the trash can to dump out the water she’d spilled onto it—inadvertently but cleverly making a wonderful excuse for her to leave—she once again glanced at the (now much larger) pool of blood that was not only most certainly coming from the ceiling, but the now visible body parts that were clumsily stuffed into the ceiling tiles by someone apparently unfamiliar with body part storage.

“Shit, now I definitely have to stay late,” she thought to herself. “Whomever’s responsible for this is gonna have hell to pay!”

I really have no idea what I'm doing.