I really do blog about coffee

I do realize the contradiction of naming a site awful coffee and having only positive things to say about the coffee I talk about. This site isn’t a place to dish on coffee I think is crap, there’s plenty of hate out there for things that don’t necessarily deserve it. Everyone’s got an opinion about something and the internet is a sounding board for that opinion, unfortunately most of the time it’s a negative one, and poorly written at that.

I’ve added a couple of things to the sidebar to make it easier to track my coffee findings, along with what I’m drinking right now. I do try to find new coffee when I can and always give it a fair shake when I do. My primary brewing method is a Chemex which I highly recommend. I brew using filtered water via a Brita filter. My grinder is a KitchenAid A-9 which has done me well but I am looking to upgrade in the near future as it simply won’t do a good fine espresso grind and it’s messy as hell.

I’ve educated myself about coffee a bit as well. I’ve done a couple tastings, both by Intelligentsia coffee and they gave me a few good things to look out for when buying coffee that have proved right every time. In the end, I just love drinking coffee and I drink a lot of it, black as midnight on a moonless night. And yes, I’m a sucker for donuts and pie.